
Seniors Instructions for Accessing Naviance
We are so excited that so many of you are eager to get working on the college application process. Please take advantage of our drop in opportunities and schedule appointments for individual work with your school counselor.

In the meantime, It is imperative that you can log on to the program NAVIANCE using the username and login you set for yourself. This is the ONLY way we send college documents (your transcript, MTA's school profile form that explains MTA's transcript, report cards, your senior year schedule, counselor letters of recommendation, teacher letters of recommendation)

Instructions for accessing Naviance
Go to MTA High School homepage
Click on students, scroll down to Naviance/Family Connection
Enter school zip code 04086
Click on Mt. Ararat High School
Click on Continue with Single Sign On

This should take you to your page. Please take a few minutes to ensure you can log on. If there are issues with this, please email Mrs. Reeber in the counseling office and/or your school counselor and will help you troubleshoot!

Naviance Scholarship Access instructions
To access private and local scholarship information on Naviance simply click on the
'colleges' tab and scroll down to
'scholarships & money'. To find the local scholarships
select 'scholarship list' and where it says, 'Browse by category', use the pull down menu and choose 'Local Scholarship'.

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