Protection from Harassment Policy

You may leave an anonymous tip on the MTA TIPLINE by dialing 729-2951, ext, 210, which will direct you to press *310. The MSAD 75 Board of Directors recognizes the right of each student to learn and to participate in an environment free of intimidation, ridicule, and hostility. In support of this right, the District prohibits harassment or ridicule of students based upon race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, or handicap. Harassment includes the following, among other things:

  • Advances, sexual advances, gestures, comments, or contact
  • Threats, intimidation, or assaults
  • Offensive jokes
  • Ridicule, slurs, derogatory action, or remarks

Such unwelcome acts constitute harassment when the conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment. In dealing with instances of harassment, the school will follow a four-stage process.

The first is the Report Stage. All students should feel free to report any incident of harassment to any adult in the building. That information will be forwarded to an assistant principal, who will meet with the student along with a counselor. The student will be asked to complete a Harassment Incident Report, which will be kept confidential.

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