Special Services

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Special Services Program of Studies
Social Studies instruction is provided in general education classes by a team teaching model with a general education teacher and special education teacher.
Direct Reading & Writing- This program offers individual reading and writing instruction to students for whom placement in a small group is appropriate. Students who are enrolled in Direct Reading & Writing must also participate in a more traditional English class in order to meet standards for graduation.
Bold Endurance and Experiential Programming- This program addresses the needs of students whose behavioral issues interfere with the learning process. Though behavioral difficulties are the primary reason for placement in the BEEP program, some of these students are also struggling with serious learning disabilities.
The Therapeutic Alternative Program- The TAP Program is designed to meet the needs of students who require an alternative to the general educational setting because of a specific diagnosis, often Autism. TAP strives to provide an environment that nurtures growth, empowerment, and friendships through support, skill building and educational challenges.
The Support, Transition and Assessment Resource Program- The STAR program is for students who struggle with mental health issues but are able to access the regular education setting. It is a completely independent program, designed to provide a "home base" and a small, personalized school environment.
Functional Life Skills Program- The Functional Life Skills program is designed to provide a successful high school experience for students with significant maturational and mental developmental delays. The main elements of this program are individually tailored academic work, communications lab, cooking, housekeeping, student jobs, and close support for general education courses taken by students. Community activities include shopping, swimming and field trips. Some students are enrolled in General Trades at the vocational technical school as part of their program.
Consulting Resource- Consulting Resource Teachers (CRTs) provide support and assistance to general education teachers within the mainstream setting, based on the needs of the students within the classroom. Services that are provided include assisting with student organization and direct instruction providing a collaborative effort between general and special education.
Speech and Language Services- The Speech and Language pathologist assists students with speech and language and communication. Weekly communication labs with the Functional Life Skills Program and consultation with teachers in other special services programs.
Social Work- Social workers work with students receiving special education services. Services include consultation, small group counseling, counseling as an educationally related service, parent support, crisis intervention and service coordination. Referral is generally via the I.E.P. process.
Paraprofessionals: These staff members are responsible for carrying out a wide range of assigned responsibilities related to student educational needs. These assigned responsibilities are I.E.P. driven.

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